“Cannabis” has been defined in section 2(iii) of NDPS Act, 1985 as: –
(a) Ganja, that is, the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant (excluding the seeds and leaves when not accompanied by the tops), by whatever name they may be known or designated.
(b) Charas, that is, the separated resin, in whatever form, whether crude or purified, obtained from the cannabis plant and also includes concentrated preparation and resin known as hashish oil or liquid hashish.
(c) Any mixture, with or without any neutral material, of any of the above forms of cannabis or any drink, prepared therefrom.
Reading the above definition elucidates the narcotic parts of the Cannabis plant. Implying seeds and leaves (when not accompanied by the fruiting tops) are non-narcotic and fall outside the purview of the act. CannaMeds India, in line with this requirement, lists verified brands/ products using the Vijaya seeds and/or the leaves (popularly known as ‘Bhang’) as ingredients. Therefore, Ayurvedic medicines that contain Bhang and/or Vijaya seeds as an ingredient, are not regulated as narcotic drugs under NDPS Act.